§ 78-78. Use of containers.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Maintenance of containers and surrounding area. All solid waste or litter containers or receptacles and their surrounding area shall be maintained in as sanitary a manner as is reasonably possible consistent with their use for solid waste and litter disposal.


    Use generally. Persons using solid waste and litter containers or receptacles shall deposit only authorized solid waste and refuse in the appropriate container or receptacle.


    Scrap tires. No person shall deposit a scrap tire in any container or receptacle unless authorized by the owner of the receptacle or the city council or its designee.


    Burning or smoldering material. No person shall deposit any burning or smoldering material in such container or receptacle, or set fire to the contents of any such container or receptacle.


    Bulky items. No person shall deposit large noncompatible articles in containers or receptacles, such as, but not limited to, stoves, refrigerators, bedsprings, automobile parts, boat parts, large tree limbs or air conditioning units, except containers or receptacles designated for that purpose only.


    Flammable or explosive materials. No person shall deposit any flammable or explosive materials in any such container or receptacle.


    Dead animals. No dead animals shall be deposited in any such container or receptacle, except containers or receptacles designed for such purpose and so designated by the city council.


    Damaging or moving containers. No person shall willfully damage or alter the location of such container or receptacle without the written consent of the city council.


    Scavenging. No salvage or scavenging operations shall be conducted in or around such containers or receptacles except by written consent of the city council.


    Scattering contents of containers. No person shall indiscriminately scatter or disperse the contents of any containers or receptacles.


    Use of containers at city collection and recycling center. No person shall deposit any solid waste at a city solid waste collection and recycling center unless such solid waste is contained in a manner that it can be handled by the attendant, and waste shall be deposited only during the official hours of operation unless express written permission is given by the city council or its designee.


    Improper use of receptacles designated for recyclable materials. No person shall deposit solid waste, litter or liquid of any kind at any city solid waste collection and recycling center into city-owned receptacles or containers designated for the collection of recovered materials. Only authorized materials, such as glass, aluminum, newspaper, cardboard, plastic, and tin or other accepted material, may be deposited in the appropriate container designated for such material.

(Ord. No. 2002-18, § IV, 10-21-2002)